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November 01, 2021

Vice: The Lincoln Project Only Admitted Their Role in the Charlottesville Race Hoax Because We Were About to Out Them

I said this was the case on Friday. I'm not bragging about that; it was pretty obvious. These guys are scumbag liars and were obviously attempting a hoax. Even in their admission of guilt for the hoax, they were cagey and elusive about actually writing the words "we were responsible for this hoax." They did not state they were responsible for it; they merely implied it.

Vice reported that they only admitted their role, in that cocksucker crabwalking fashion, because they knew that Vice was about to out them.

The Lincoln Project acknowledged they were behind the stunt after VICE News identified one of the people dressed in the photo in front of Youngkin's campaign bus as a low-level Democratic operative who has recently been working for Democratic sting operator Lauren Windsor's The Undercurrent. Her group has repeatedly gone undercover as conservative activists to goad politicians into saying what's really on their mind--and has also held events alongside the Lincoln Project in recent days.


Windsor acknowledged her role in the event.

"In my capacity as a communications consultant, I worked with the Lincoln Project to coordinate this action. I join them in the fight to defend our democracy from rightwing extremists and in calling for Glenn Youngkin to denounce Trump's 'very fine people,'" Windsor said in a statement to VICE News.

By the way, how obvious is it that "Lauren Windsor" is a pseudonym? The monarchical "Windsor" surname has been used as a fake name by leftist operators before.

I think a commenter here -- Insomniac, maybe -- predicted that the leftwing propaganda media would spin that this Race Hoax was actually a valuable teachable moment because it raised important questions.

That's exactly the claim that former Romney aide turned Lincoln Project grifter Stuart Stevens made, and Fredo Cuomo rushed to agree.

STUART STEVENS: No. Listen, every day I hear people pleading with the Lincoln Project to help show Democrats how to win, how to play hardball. You know, this is an example. The question here is not about some guys who showed up at a rally. It's why hasn't Glenn Youngkin denounced Donald Trump for saying there are good people on both sides. I mean, that is absolutely outrageous.

John Nolte calls this a double hoax, a hoax to bring attention to another hoax: Donald Trump never said the neo-nazis were "very fine people."

And it's because Glenn Youngkin wants it both ways and I think that’s the message that needs to be driven here. You know, the Lincoln Project was the first in this race to put Charlottesville in an ad. And some people thought maybe it went too far. But we did it. And it worked. And then McAuliffe's campaign followed us and put Charlottesville in a very good ad they did. So, I think the question here is, we can't ignore what happened in Charlottesville. The question is why hasn't Glenn Youngkin denounced Donald Trump.

CHRIS CUOMO: No look, I hear the question, it's a legitimate one. But Jim, James, the Democrat Party in Virginia has said, look, we weren't part of this, it shouldn't have happened. What about the Democrat disposition in terms of how to win these upcoming battles?

Nolte also points out that the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Association is lying about this not being a deception, but merely some political street theater:

This forced the child molester-enablers at Project Lincoln to fess up to the hoax. This also forced them to claim -- and no one believes them -- that they were always going to fess up. It wasn't a hoax! It was a stunt to make an important point!

The difference between theater and a hoax is simple: people watching theater know they're watching a performance. They know it's not real.

I blew my stack when Likely Lincoln Project Slack Chat Member AllahPundit claimed that what the Lincoln Project was doing was merely doing street theater which other people incorrectly took to be real, rather than the Lincoln Project intending a hoax from the start.

It had occurred to me that this might only be street theater -- I even wrote a comment to that effect. But I deleted it before publishing, because I realized I was wrong, and that it was impossible that this was not a deliberate, intentional deception.

If I tell a joke -- if I write a false headline -- I "lampshade" it to make it obvious that it's fake. If I find out that my lampshading was not obvious enough, and that people are taking my headline as real, I rush to correct the headline and also put up a note that it was fake and that I was kidding.

The Lincoln Project did not do that. In fact, they retweeted Democrat operatives and journalists (but I repeat myself) who commented on the story as if it was genuine. They did not caution that the performance was just theater.

No one did. No one claimed the hoax was a hoax.

Because they were trying to pass off the hoax as real.

I have been alerted to media stunts before. When someone mounts a media stunt, they alert anyone they think might be interested in attending the stunt and writing it up.

There is no attempt to claim that the performance is real. The partisans do not disguise what side they're on.

But in this case, the Lincoln Project did not send out emails summoning media to come see their anti-Youngkin performance.

No, they staged it for a single reporter. Maybe -- I don't know this happened, but let's speculate -- they emailed this one single reporter pretending to have inside information, telling her they've heard that some Charlottesville types were gathering to show support for Youngkin.

However it came to pass, what wound up happening was not the gaggle of looky-loo reporters and partisans watching the staged performance, but instead, a single reporter (or, "reporter") tweeting out a picture of the Tiki Torch Carrying Racists.

In other words, the photo op was contrived to look as if it was organic. That it was organically stumbled upon by a reporter, and that subsequently, it was organically discovered by Democrat operatives who spread it.

At all points this was a deliberate deception intended to make people believe that these were real Charlottesville Tiki Torchers who were really gathering (in the rain) to support Youngkin.

And it was stupid for the leftwing partisan AllahPundit to attempt to cover for his Palz on the Left and claim that this was just an innocent attempt at street theater which inadvertently turned into a hoax.

Recently AllahPundit claimed the story that Florida now had the lowest covid rates in the country -- remember, bloggers at Hot Air "claim" stories on a first-come, first served basis -- just so he could attack DeSantis by claiming it was hypocritical that DeSantis did not take the blame for Florida's higher August covid rates but is taking credit for their lowest-in-the-nation October rates.

AllahPundit somehow doesn't notice that it's equally hypocritical for AllahPundit to have spent all August attacking DeSantis for higher Florida covid rates but now refuse to grant him credit for the low October rates.

Or that it is hypocritical of AllahPundit to blow off surging covid rates in the blue states of New England, where they have forced vaccinations and masking and all the wonderful coercions his frightened Karen heart craves.

But this is now typical of the alleged conservative blog Hot Air -- it runs the same sort of opinion pieces that you'd find on Salon.

Which isn't much of a surprise, given that in 2017, Salon named AllahPundit as one of the 25 conservative bloggers worth reading.

Their other picks? Lincoln Project pedophile-enablers Rick Wilson and Stuart Stevens, and actual Lincoln Project pedophile John Weaver.

Former "conservative" blogger Jen Rubin, and former "conservative" fundraiser Ana Navarro.

As well as Noted All-Around Conservative Expert Tom Nichols, and Jon Podhoretz and S.E. Cupp.

As well as Noted Cvckshed Resident Bill Kristol, and Noted Bulwark Writer and Alanis Morrissette Lookalike Tim Miller.

Steven Hayes of The Dispatch. And David Frum.

As well as various anonymous Twitter accounts that spend all day attacking conservatives and demanding they be #Purged from the party and polite society.

Well! That's quite a list of rock-ribbed conservatives, isn't it?

The management of Hot Air needs to admit that AllahPundit is a left-liberal Democrat partisan, as the Washington Post was ultimately forced, out of embarrassment, to stop Jen Rubin from calling herself a "conservative" blogger. They don't have to fire him, but they do have to acknowledge his actual political affiliation as a very partisan left liberal.

They can't continue letting him claim all the biggest, grabbiest stories and letting him smear them with leftwing spin while claiming this constitutes a "conservative view" of the news.

Sure, he can post stories -- but management must make it clear to the other cobloggers that he is a liberal, and that it is permissible, and in fact necessary, for actual conservatives to also cover these stories to provide an actual conservative view on them.

Salem cannot continue allowing an obnoxiously partisan Keith Olbermann-level leftist hack provide the official "conservative view" on the biggest stories of the day.

And if they do, they have to stop claiming that Hot Air is a site providing a "conservative view" on the news.

digg this
posted by Ace at 03:02 PM

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