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Food Thread: Breakfast Of Champions (Americans) »
August 29, 2021
First-World Problems...
Has anyone in the long and sordid history of glue ever finished a bottle without it solidifying, or setting into an impenetrable plug in the nozzle?
The number of different glues we have available to us is truly amazing. From the lightest paper glues (remember Elmer's glue from grade school?) to the amazing super glues we have today that can glue pretty much anything...unless the damned thing has cured in the tube just when you absolutely need to glue something.
The most frustrating thing is when the applicator is glued solid, and there is plenty of liquid glue left in the container. What to do? I usually punch a small hole into the tube and use it that way. it's even odds whether it will cure solid and I will have to toss it immediately, or I can get two uses out of it before it turns to shit.
But the worst ones? Check below the fold.
Yup. I can get a few uses out of those stupid tubes before it cures completely. And damn! They are expensive!
Big Glue is evil...
Maybe not as bad as Big Ice (their monopoly on clear ice should be unconstitutional), or even the cable companies, but they aren't too far behind.