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August 05, 2021
Lego Tactical Assault Squad Cafe: For the Dogs Edition

by Laura Hedien, Storm Cloud Photography
Happy happy puppy.
Stick insect catches a ride on a speeding car.
Pittie with injured legs is healed back to full adorableness.
A puppy and his baby sister grow up together.
One nice thing there: they realized that people would be abandoning their dogs and having trouble getting rid of puppies due to the quarantine, so they called up the local animal organizations and asked to adopt any unwanted dogs.
Really cute: Golden retriever gets a kitten.
Steve Inman Section:
This is a great vehicular chase, ended swiftly, which turns into a brief footchase, also ended very swiftly, and very satisfyingly.
This cop thinks he's in a movie! And it's a pretty good movie!
A soyboy -- an antifa, I think -- rides the lightning.
This is an old one, but it's always a smile to see a soyboy smacked down to the asphalt.
Guy makes a bad choice, as guys do.
Another old one, but great: Citizens can always beat the shit out of criminals if they just act and act together.
The bear's name is "Governor Andrew Cuomo:"
One of the top hundred great things about dogs is the way they go berserk when you say "Do you want to go for a...?"
I've learned that the sort of curtsey dogs do is called "a play bow:"
Ever wonder what goes on inside a squirrel's nest?
Of course you don't. Only a weirdo would wonder about that.
Still, it's kind of interesting. I like seeing the squirrel sacked out.
Puppy makes a friend.