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January 08, 2021
Nepot and Vanderbilt Heir Anderson Cooper Casually Slurs the Middle and Working Class for Not Having the Money to Eat at His Buddy Gavin Newsom's Favorite French Restaurant
Plutocrat nepot Anderson Cooper -- who will set CNN's Deplatoforming Team to deplatform you if you criticize him -- once again slurs poor and middle class Americans who weren't shat out of a heiress-whore's fronthole.
This isn't the first time. Anderson Cooper is a frequent-flyer in the realm of Wealth Shaming the Deplorables.
He can slur you, but you can't call him what he is. Because this millionaire's drop is "oppressed," and the downscale Americans he repeatedly mocks are "privileged."
He will just say, as he has said before, "Well I was angry, so that excuses it."
But if you got angry and called him a ******, he'd have CNN's Deplatforming Squad on you.
And he would not call them off if you said, "I'm sorry, I was angry, so that should excuse it."
Since he would not excuse you, why should he be excused?
Oh right, because this nepot who inherited millions of dollars from his Vanderbilt mother is "oppressed."
And we are "privileged."
I keep forgetting!
A friend comments:
Olive Garden isn't even my idea of a cheap restaurant for poors. That's solid shot at the middle class.
He also adds: "Let them eat bottomless breadsticks!"
They're now asserting that they've taken full control and have nothing more to fear from the peons.
They don't have to pretend anymore.
Meanwhile, CNN's Deplatforming Czar, Oliver Darcy, is now pressuring cable companies to deplatform Fox News.
You are not allowed to disagree with them.
This is not hyperbole.
You are NOT ALLOWED to disagree with them.
If you disagree, they will "make you pay."
This is what "anti-fascism" is.
Strange, the white-collar pussy form of "anti-fascism" looks a lot like the "anti-fascism" of CNN's brutish child-molesting antifa allies in the streets.
In both cases, "anti-fascism" looks and smells an awful lot like simple fascism.
But don't say that Anderson Cooper sucks dick.
He's oppressed.