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January 08, 2021
"Anti-Authoritarian" Tough Guys Demand that Cruz and Hawley Be Expelled From the Senate
Before getting to AllahPundit and David French (and most of the Cruiservatives), let us note that the Lido Deck Donor-Class Darlings are once again, by sheerest coincidence!, in complete agreement with fascist leftist media figures.
Rick Klein, ABCNews' political director, is now literally calling for a
of the 75 million of real voters who voted for Trump.

Sorry that that's a poorly-formatted screencap -- Rick Klein deleted it after he realized it said precisely what he meant.
So he's calling for a Debaathification of a conquered people.
It just happens that most of the "conservative" media, which strangely is always attacking conservatives and demanding that conservatives be deplatformed or fired from their jobs, and weirdly always agreeing with the left and oddly always proposing "The Conservative Case for" [x] lefting policy, agrees with the left yet again.
What are the odds this could just keep on happening?!?!
Because now David French joins with fellow Twitter Tough-Guy AllahPundit in demanding that elected US Senators, who were without question chosen by real voters to represent them, be expelled from the Senate for daring to notice that there was some election fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
See, this is because these estrogen-fueled men are so "anti-authoritarian."
In much the same way that antifa street fascists are "anti-fascist."
This is the sort of "anti-authoritarian" policy they enforce in Iran -- only those who agree with the mullahs completely will be allowed to serve as elected representatives of the people.
Noted "anti-authoritarians" AllahPundit and David French are demanding we follow the Iran Rule.
To show how anti-authoritarian we are, you see.
I hope they get their way. I really do.
There is no democracy and consent is no longer sought from the governed. I want them to drop any mask that this is a democracy and make it the clear, overt, stated position of the Marxist-Corporatist Junta that only those who agree with the Marxist-Corporatist consensus are allowed to have any voice in politics.
Oh, and by the way: Washington Examiner ugly thot Thotiana Lowe is now demanding Hawley be "made to pay."
So, as usual, something one of these pathetic low-IQ morons says on twitter becomes Holy Wisdom for all of them within three hours.
Same fucking thing that's been happening for five, ten years now.
I wouldn't bother mentioning this Garbage Tier Affirmative Action hire, except that a friend prefaced it with this remark:
"Here comes the thot police."
(BTW, "thot," pronounced to rhyme with "hot" rather than "thought," stands for "That Ho Over There," and refers to, you know, any stupid, undesirable whore.)

"I'm a conservative thot-leader!!!"