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February 04, 2020
And that's enough to win the election, given third party candidates, and given that so many Democrat votes are in states that are noncompetitive, like California.
And also given the Shy Trump Voter effect.
President Donald Trump's job approval rating has risen to 49%, his highest in Gallup polling since he took office in 2017.
The new poll finds 50% of Americans disapproving of Trump, leaving just 1% expressing no opinion. The average percentage not having an opinion on Trump has been 5% throughout his presidency.
Trump's approval rating has risen because of higher ratings among both Republicans and independents....
The Jan. 16-29 poll was conducted in the midst of the Senate impeachment trial that will likely result in the president's acquittal. The poll finds 52% of Americans in favor of acquitting Trump and 46% in favor of convicting and removing him from office.
Graph here.
Thank you, Shifty!
And... wow, the GOP as a party now has a 51% favorability?!

Could this be true?
They're planning to kneel before the God-Emperor?
Rumor circulating that Pelosi and the squad plan to take a knee when Trump enters the House Chamber tonight. #SOTU
You will bow down before me, Nad-El, you, and one day... your heirs!
Plus: * don't believe the claim below, but it interesting to see the conspiracy theories and disinformation being planted by the "Rose Caucus" -- the socialists, the Bernie Bros.
"Cities will burn," a paid staffer for Bernie Sanders told me....
And while the socialists blame the Establishment, the Establishment turns to page one of its playbook and blames Putin. And Trump. Who works for Putin.
"MSNBC Analyst."
Is everyone supposed to be reassured that the Democrat Party is more incompetent than corrupt?
This is standard cant of the Democrats and NeverTrump, which always make the following claim:
"Claims that the Establishment is to blame are risible conspiracy theories pushed by lunatic populists. Rational people disregard these conspiracy theories, and know the true culprit is Vladimir Putin working through his US-based agent Donald Trump."
Yes yes yes, we've heard it all before -- "Don't believe those low-class, non-educated conspiracy theories! Believe our classy, college-educated conspiracy theories!"