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January 11, 2020
Saturday Gardening And Puttering Thread [KT]
Hello, gardeners, putterers and those who are just looking out the window. Above is part of the winter harvest that Wee Kreek Farm Girl is enjoying in the low desert of Arizona.
Here is today's harvest. Lots of Serranos and hot lemon peppers which are currently fermenting into this recipe and the very first daikon radish and it is a beauty. It is ready for roasting in the oven in about 20 minutes. I read an article about roasted daikons which started me wanting to grow them. It was delicious raw as well. It would be fantastic in a salad. Very easy to grow like a regular radish, not as hot, and a little more juicy. Can't wait to taste it roasted. Just need a nice deep pot or bed.
This was a Minowase Daikon, it wasn't hot, it was very, I want to say luscious, very tender and had a lot of water in it, probably because we have had so much rain, but it was almost like an apple in the amount of juice in the root. Roasted up really nicely, almost became sweet. It was true to the back of the package which said "This Japanese culinary favorite grows long, thick, crisp white roots with mild, sweet flavor." I will look for a hotter variety as well because I like a bit of heat too.
Also a picture of Wiley,who you featured in today's gardening thread. He stole my butternut squash off the vine. He is truly a garden dog.
Love Wiley the Garden Dog.
Backyard Woods Through the Seasons
Cumberland Astro has sent us something really special:
Attached over these two emails are 12 photos showing the woods in my backyard on Tennessee's Cumberland Plateau, taken from the same vantage point through four seasons. Fall color was less spectacular than normal this year, but the sequence of photos are still fun, as the trees go through their annual life cycle.
Here we go with the photos in sequence:
Wow. I am impressed.
It doesn't snow very often where Larro lives, but when it does, he takes some pictures:
And sets up a snow gauge, sort of.
Admirale's Mate sent in an image of the moon with a moonbow. From his daughter's camera. Nice.
Here is a very expensive robot planter that throws tantrums if you don't water it. It can walk between sunlight and shadow.
Old-time puttering
From Hank Curmudgeon, an incredible 1897 hardware store in Kansas.
If you would like to send information and/or photos for the Saturday Gardening Thread, the address is:
at g mail dot com
Include your nic unless you want to remain a lurker.

posted by Open Blogger at
01:44 PM
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