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December 13, 2019
Oh: Neighbor Says that Jersey City Black Nationalist Terrorist Attack Was Inspired by Democrat Ally and Friend of Obama Louis Farrakhan
Look at all this White Supremacy.
Sometime after Mr. Anderson moved in, the neighbor began hearing noises from downstairs.
Mr. Anderson repeatedly played audio recordings of a man the neighbor believed to be Louis Farrakhan, and sounded like he himself was growing agitated. He shouted bible verses and then chanted out his interpretations of what they meant.
The neighbor said the most common theme was that Mr. Anderson's religion was the only true faith while others -- specifically Catholicism and Judaism -- were false.
Damn Christian fundamental-- wait, he's not a Christian.
Well this is confusing. I know that the only two things this guy could be are "White Nationalist" or "Christian Zealot," but he's not either of those, so I guess the real villain here is... guns.
"The motive may never be known." There. That should cover it.
Meanwhile, in another story the allegedly super-duper anti-anti-semitism media will play as quietly as possible, the Jersey City mayor says there is reason to suspect that the shooters planned on murdering fifty children in the Jewish school next to the deli.
Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop said Friday it's his opinion that the shooters who killed a police officer and three civilians on Tuesday afternoon had an even more sinister objective - killing students at a religious school next door.
"My opinion is that as more info comes out it'll become increasingly clear that the target was the 50 children at the Yeshiva attached to that store," the mayor wrote on Twitter just after 8 a.m. "We will never know 100% but the doorway to the yeshiva was 3 feet away (and) it seems he goes in that direction 1st."
Joy Behar isn't afraid to call out these evil men and their evil ideology -- she has firmly condemned White Nationalism for the attack.
"You will concede that the nationals -- these white nationalists have been let out of their holes."
These evil white nationalists aren't just murdering people -- they're wearing blackface, apparently in their day-to-day lives as well.
And that's the real sin here.
A friend tells me that his less political friends only know of this story through occasional mentions in the American media, and none of them know the perps were black nationalists. They think they were white nationalists.
So the media has done its actual job -- not promoting the truth, but incinerating it.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:08 PM
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