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December 13, 2019
Netflix's Proud New Christmas Offering: What If Jesus Was a Homo?
It's edgy in the same Corporate-Approved Manner in which all edgy things are, allegedly, "edgy."
It's super-edgy to just repeat what everyone else in the bubble is saying.
Merry Christmas, deplorables!
What are you gonna do? Cancel your Netflix subscription?
The media doesn't think you will do that. The media doesn't think you can do that. They don't think you're strong enough. They think you're addicted.
I mean, who could live without quality Netflix originals like Fleabag? Or Hannah Gadsby "comedy" specials slash feminism seminars?
Or the dozen Obama "documentaries" coming soon?
Netflix advertises the Brazil-produced film as a Christmas special, the Daily News reports, and it aired on Netflix Brazil on Dec. 3.
The comedy group Porta dos Fundos (which translates to Back Door) created “The First Temptation of Christ” following their International Emmy Award-winning production of “The Last Hangover,” a movie which satirizes the biblical Last Supper, the last meal Jesus Christ shared with his disciples before he was crucified.
Five million people have signed a petition asking/demanding that Netflix cancel the show, but petitions don't change a damn thing.
Cancellations change things.
Walking away changes things.
It is time to separate ourselves from Them, to the extent possible, including as regards our daily economy.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:17 PM
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