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December 13, 2019
Supercut: The Media, Deep State Subversives, Democrats, and Their NeverTrump Gimps -- But I Repeat Myself Quice -- Swear Again and Again That the Dossier Has Been "Verified" and Is "True"
Meanwhile, the British left is taking the loss of an election as gracefully as the American left (and their NeverTrump gimps and c***olds) has.
Meanwhile, Politico reports that "journalists" are all either c***ing or squ***ing over impeachment.
A media that has been repeatedly caught sleeping with leftwing Deep State saboteurs for access really should not tout its flowing juices.
And speaking of journalistic juices flowing...
David French just got sprung without the aid of external apparatus for the first time since eighth grade.
Speaking of "journalist" whores -- hoornalists -- sleeping with the Deep State in order to get stories to frame innocent men, is anyone going to see Richard Jewell tonight?

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:57 PM
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