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Saturday Morning Coffee Break »
July 20, 2019
EMT 7/20/19 Silence of the Hens, justice served.
Well the motion alarm triggered late Monday night.
And off I went as only a modern knight should, clad in boots and underwear and wielding my trusty shotgun in one hand, and a flashlight in the other.
My light shone in the shed, and I spied several of the dastardly buggars working at the coop door.
Two I laid low that night, and while I was delivering the coup de grace on the 2nd, the third scurried off. She came back the following night; just passed through, sniffed where her young died, then ran off and hasn't been back. I do believe I clipped enough of the 4th a couple nights previous as it made its escape into the woods, as I haven't seen it at all.
In the words of William Munny:
It's a hell of a thing to take a coon's life.
You take away every hen its ever had.
And you take away every hen that murderin' sumbitch ever gonna have.
All jokes aside, I don't take any real pleasure in killing any thing, but those coons got a far cleaner death than they gave my hens.

posted by krakatoa at
06:00 AM
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