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June 30, 2018
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Welcome to the almost world famous AoSHQ Pet Thread. Put the fireworks down, turn off the outside water faucet and kick back with some pets.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Meet the world's ugliest dog.
Brain freeze.
K9 Officer Poncho saves the day. That is one smart doggeh.
Sad news in the animal world, Koko, the gorilla passes. h/t Hank Curmudgeon
Fishermen come to the rescue.
A cop, a donut and a squirrel.
This Afternoon's Feel Good Story of The Day. As they would say too good to fact check.h/t red
Meet The PetMorons
We are "bird sitting" this cockatiel named Frodo for 10 days. He likes perching on shoulders and singing the theme songs from Addam's family, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, & Star Wars. -lin-duh
We expect that bird to say some cuss words by the time Frodo's "parents" swing by.
This is my kitty Emma. She's an adoption that was not quite fully grown when I got her in the late Spring prior to 9-11 so she's getting close to 18 years old. She had a male companion named Steed who has been on assignment to pet heaven for seven years. Their two personalities were exactly those of the characters from "The Avengers" with Emma being the athletic high energy one and Steed the lap cat. She's still in good health but can't leap up onto the toilet seat as she used to. Now she hooks her claws along the inside of the seat and pulls herself up while pushing with her rear legs. A masterful adaptation supporting my conviction that she's the smartest cat I've ever known. The other photo was taken when the sun came out and shone through a window into my cozy house after a snowfall up here in the back country of San Diego county on the east flank of Palomar Mountain.
Lurker who has never left a comment on Ace though I read it every day. You may use my name in the Pet Thread etc.
Chris from CA
I didn't give Chris' full name or location. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. :)
Watching your pet age is tough. Here's hoping you have moar time with her. Quite the kitteh you have there.
Captain Jack is my 6 year old 15 pound rescue. He has a blown pupil, two broken canines and walks with a limp (when he feels like it). My late wife went looking for a kitten two years ago and this is what we got. We argued over his name and settled on Captain Jack Sparrow. Not getting neutered until he was 4 made him a big cat with no fat.
Marley is my new Dearheart Persian. 12 weeks old and only has two speeds. Dearheart Chinchilla Persians are one of the oldest breeds. They have black around their eyes and brick nose, and black pads. Named in honor of Bob Marley. -Dave
Looks like you have your hands full with that young one. Thanks for taking the time to submit the photos and story behind each cat.
This is Pandora. She’s a rescue from a puppy farm. She’s just the right amount of inbred to make her pretty much the sweetest doge ever.
Top two are pandora and Odin, the last one is Loki. He’s a looker too, and a terror to rabbits the world wide.-Nathan
Quite the crew you have there Nathan. I bet there is never a dull moment at your house. Thanks for sharing with us.
Well that wraps up this weeks Pet Thread. Thanks to those who submitted photos of their pets.
Do you have a photo, story or tip you want to share? Please submit to petmorons at gmail dot com.
Have a great weekend and have a happy and safe Independence Day this upcoming week.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:06 PM
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