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March 01, 2018
Louis Farrakhan Delivers Bitter Tirade Against Jews; Liberals Still Defend Him
Trump was demanded to denounce David Duke, and Trump never met David Duke.
Duke just tweeted support for him.
On the other hand, Barack Obama did meet with Louis Farrakhan, and even posed for a picture with him -- a picture whose existence was hidden by the media for thirteen years, and only revealed once Obama's second term was over for a years.

Barry and Louie -- Rabid Anti-Semitism never looked so hopeful and optimistic!
When's Obama going to be demanded to denounce Farrakhan and apologize for having "normalized" him and "platformed" him?
All quotes below from John Sexton, who in turn quoted from Jake Tapper's twitter feed -- don't worry, this is probably one of those many stories that Jakey will tweet about but keep off his actual TV show.
On Sunday, Rev. Farrakhan gave his Saviours' Day 2018 Address, attended by thousands including one of the co-founders of the Women's March
Shortly after 1:10:50 in the video Farrakhan proclaims that "the powerful Jews are my enemy.
At 2:57:00 he begins approvingly quoting some of the anti-Semitic comments made by Rev. Billy Graham and President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office.
At 2:59:00 Farrakhan approvingly cites Nixon and Graham attacking Jews' "grip on the media" and Hollywood and "how the Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out turning men into women and women into men.”
At 3:15, Farrakhan calls Jews 'the mother and father of apartheid, the Jews.
Assailing Keith Ellison, at 3:21 Farrakhan says, "let me tell you something, when you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door."
at 3;49: “White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan ...has pulled the cover off the eyes of that Satanic Jew and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through."
Oh yeah, he was racist against the White Devils too but that's just standard Democrat cant at this point.
If anyone saw Jake Tapper talk about this on his actual show, please let me know -- I'd like to memorialize such an improbable, once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.
See Sexton's piece to see which co-founder of the Women's March was present for this anti-white, anti-semitic diatribe, and who, of course, will not be asked by the media about her tacit approval of it.
Now, I'm gonna rock your world here and tell you the woman in question is not, unbelievably enough, Linda Sarsour.
Though she did, of course, speak at a Nation of Islam rally in 2015.
And she also complimented Farrakhan's youthful looks on the FaceBook page another Women's March organizer who routinely praises Farrakhan.
Hope you enjoy this, and Sexton's, post. Because the media will forget about this as quickly as it forgot about Valerie Plame's conviction that The Jews Start All the Wars.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:31 PM
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