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March 01, 2018
Arrest Made in Fake Anthrax/White Powder Attack on Trump Family
> ABC News
JUST IN: Massachusetts man arrested in connection to letter containing white powder that was sent to Donald Trump Jr.'s home. -@AaronKatersky
MORE: Daniel Frisiello of Beverly, MA sent at least five letters containing white powder in last several weeks, U.S. Postal Inspection Service says, the first of which was addressed to Donald Trump Jr. and called him an "awful, awful person."
More at Hot Air. Although it's the Trump family letter that got the most press, he also sent similar threatening letters containing white powder to Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow, Antonio Sabato Jr. (?!?! -- Trump supporter and possible Republican Congressional candidate), and a US Attorney who prosecuted a porn case in which the defendant wound up committing suicide.
He calls himself a Democrat, but apparently he's a Super-Committed Democrat who got upset with Debbie Stabenow:
If you’re interested in Frisiello’s Facebook page, it’s here. There’s not much on it to suggest that he’d do something as insanely stupid as what has been alleged, but there is a reference to Stabenow on it that might explain why she got one of the letters. After she expressed sympathy for the father who tried to attack USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar at his sentencing hearing, Frisiello wrote [sic]:
Good god now the democrats are going of the rails. This is not the democratic means and i am embarrassed to be in part of the same party as her, because i am not her. I would be offended if anyone i know in the democratic party has the dame feelings and thoughts of this imbecile of a senator!
The left is forever worrying about the feverish rhetoric that might set off the time-bombs on the right -- notice the left and the media (but I repeat myself) never spend a single minute or column inch of coverage fretting that super-partisan zealotry among their fellow leftists might set off some of their own time-bombs?
By the way: Antonio Sabato Jr. was in a movie whose plot seemed vaguely familiar to me. Turned out it was a cheapo version of A Princess of Mars. I turned it off after about 15 minutes. I liked the update (he's a soldier in Afghanistan, not the Civil War) but it was too cheap and slow to keep my attention.
Hm -- Tracy Lords was in it. I guess as Deja Thoris, but I didn't see her. I tuned out when they were still in Afghanistan.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:00 PM
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