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March 01, 2018
Max Boot: In a Way, Me and My Fellow NeverTrumpers Are Just Like Soviet Dissidents Who Were Sent to the Gulag
[twitter tweets]
Max Boot
.@BretStephensNYT: “NeverTrumpers haunt the conservative movement the way Polish or Czech dissident intellectuals such as Czeslaw Milosz and Vaclav Havel haunted that segment of Central European intelligentsia that made its peace with Stalinism.” nytimes.com/2018/03/01/opi…
11:34 AM - 1 Mar 2018
Sean Davis
Vaclav Havel was imprisoned for years for criticizing Stalin. Bret Stephens was given a lucrative column in the biggest paper in America entirely because he hates Trump. twitter.com/MaxBoot/status…
David Harsanyi
Has there ever been a more self-aggrandizing movement of puffery in American politics? Vaclav Havel risked everything. You risk nothing. twitter.com/MaxBoot/status…
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This wan cuck pretends to not understand:
Conor Friedersdorf
Since when is not living under a repressive Communist regime a reason to criticize people for standing on principle and values while many of their ideological brethren abandon theirs? twitter.com/davidharsanyi/…
Replying to @conor64
Oh, please, stop. They're comparing themselves to Soviet dissidents. That's the point. Nor are they standing on principle. But that's another story.
David Harsanyi had some additional thoughts:
He mocks them further here.
AllahPundit once did a photoshop putting Andrew Sullivan's face on Jesus' (actually Jim Caviezel's in The Passion) body on the cross. I think it may be time to break that out again and begin putting up the new faces of the Cult of the Martyrs.
Quin Hillyer wants you to know that NeverTrump definitely is Risking All by cozying up to the money players in the liberal media.
Damn, some of them might be sentenced to Hard Pundit Labor as Atlantic columnists (which is what most of them are angling for -- you can read their current columns as applications in seriatim to The Atlantic.)
Oh, and enjoy James Taranto's trip through Max Boot's previous comments:
And, indeed, this self-vaunted Moral Equivalent to a Soviet Gulag Prisoner of Conscience did say he'd vote for Josef Stalin before Trump -- and obviously Hillary Clinton, too:
Max Boot, a foreign policy adviser to Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, said that if efforts to block Mr. Trump fell short, he would vote against a Republican nominee for the first time in his life.
“I would sooner vote for Josef Stalin than I would vote for Donald Trump,” said Mr. Boot, who expressed optimism that Mr. Trump could still be defeated. He added: “There is no way in hell I would ever vote for him. I would far more readily support Hillary Clinton, or Bloomberg if he ran.”
Thanks to Commenter.
(Actually, Rhomboid.)

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:22 PM
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