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June 04, 2017
If CA, NY and WA Want To Destroy Their Economies; Let Them!
Hey...the states are simply laboratories for crackpot, and not-so-crackpot...ideas (warning: NYT link. But you know what it says anyway). There is nothing wrong with the various states bucking market economics and trying to grow their job bases using expensive energy. If the people of those states like it, they'll stay. If the people think that paying more for energy when we are almost literally awash in in new sources of cheap fuel is pretty much the definition of stupidity, then they will vote with their feet and leave.
And here's a dumb idea that is quintessentially California; let's enter a dubiously backed market for a commodity that is created out of whole cloth, and choose as a partner a country that is notorious for self-serving behavior, destruction of its own environment, and cheating on pretty much everything. California to discuss linking carbon market with China
Next up: Selling Chinese kidneys to the California single-payer system, which will then resell them on the open market to fund its $400,000,000,000 cost.