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May 22, 2016
Gun Thread: Build Or Buy, That Is The Question [CBD]
The NRA Blog has a nice little article about whether to build or buy your AR-15. There is nothing earth shattering about it, but one point is important:
Armoring experience: One of the best ways to familiarize yourself with your AR is to disassemble and reassemble, learning the intricacies and minutiae of the system.
That's also a good point about pretty much everything on earth. I was a pretty serious cyclist for a long time, and I built my first really good bike. That taught me pretty much everything I needed to know, except for how to true wheels. That is dark magic and cannot be learned by mortals.
So....have at it: What would you do? Build or buy? And what would you build or buy?
And just because.....

posted by Open Blogger at
12:15 PM
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