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Overnight Open Thread (1-12-2016) �
January 12, 2016
STFU Thread: Obama Promises That SOTU Will Be More Obama-Centric Than In Past Years
No really.
The White House says President Barack Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night will be non-traditional.
What that means: Obama will be talking about himself, not asking Congress for a long list of items he knows he'll never get.
The speech is likely to be a combination of a valedictorian's look-how-far-we've-come rhetoric and calls to action directed not at Congress but at the voting public on issues near to Obama's heart -- and extending beyond his increasingly-limited time in office.
"What I want to focus on in this State of the Union address," Obama said in a video preview the White House released Wednesday, is "not just the remarkable progress we've made, not just what I want to get done in the year ahead, but what we all need to do together in the years to come -- the big things that will guarantee an even stronger, better, more prosperous America for our kids. The America we believe in. That's what's on my mind."
Me is what's on my mind.
So, I wouldn't bother watching. I'm not going to watch myself. I look at the clips and quotes. That's it.
Don't let the door hit you too hard on your well-traveled ass on the way out, Champ.