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January 12, 2016
Kathleen Parker Writes That When Cruz Says "The Body of Christ" Should Rise Up and Support Him, He Must Mean Christ Is Coming Out of the Grave
If you don't know -- and most people not named "Kathleen Parker" do know -- "the body of Christ" means Christians generally, that is, the Church.
In some contexts it can also mean the literal body of Christ, but this isn't one of them. He means the church.
Kathleen Parker seems not to know this.
Though she now says she totes knows this, but "LSD" took her "Too far."
I usually would not like a politician making such a brutishly direct tribal identity politics pitch.
However, we are now firmly in the midst of the war of all against all and no one is bothering to restrain this tribalism whatsoever -- Hillary is pretty explicit that if you have a vagina, you must vote for her, etc.
I'm not a fan of this and I don't love that Cruz is doing it but I guess it's a case of don't hate the player, hate the game.
This is what we are now.
Political life is nasty, brutish, and short of attention span.