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Silly Post and Then One More and I'm Out »
September 11, 2014
Obama Declares War on Common English Words and Promises to "Degrade and Roll Back" Their Accepted Meanings
Marie Larf says this isn't a "war on terrorism," and also isn't a "preemptive war" against potential future terrorist attacks, because Shut Up That's Why.
On twitter -- and I'm going to package this for a post -- I'm riffing on this being America's perfect Gnostic Moment, in which it is clear that we are currently living in an unreality created for us by the Gods of Television.
"Reality" is just another word for "what we see on TV." "Reality TV" has become a redundancy.
America has been living in a state of almost complete unreality since 2007. We are entirely disconnected from the real world. "The World" is simply the images on Television, and the false realities conjured for us by Public Relations Sorcerers who appear there upon the Holy Screen.
This should go well, is what I'm saying.
The Gnostic Imperative: Um, that isn't really a good title for the piece I'm going to link, but you have to admit, it's a good title anyway, even if it doesn't fit.
Sisu explores Shopenhauer's postulate that what we call our view of reality is in fact usually nothing more than an opinion formed by three people, who stated it with confidence, and then got other people to believe it, thinking the first three had rigorously tested it and proven it to be true, when in fact they just pulled it out of their asses.