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September 11, 2014
John Kerry Cautions Americans to Not Get "War Fever" Over Our New War Which Is, By the Way, Not a War
Ever notice that John Kerry, Barack Obama, and others of his ilk -- the New Class -- spend a lot more time worrying that We Savage Barbarians of America should not think or feel the wrong things, and not nearly so much time worried what our overseas enemies might think?
So here now John Kerry will condescend to you and try to restrain you from becoming the jingoistic bloodthirsty animalistic mob he knows the real America to be. From Noah Rothman:
"What we are doing is engaging in a very significant counter-terrorism operation," Kerry said. "If somebody wants to think about it as being a war with ISIL they can do so, but the fact is it’s a major counter-terrorism operation."
"I don’t think people need to get into a war fever on this," the secretary of state added.
Allah Pundit has made a great point in the past: The New Class has given Obama a pass on all of his warmaking largely because -- well, apart from the animal pack mentality aspect of just supporting him because he's Of Their Tribe -- Obama claims to be morally conflicted about Blowin' Shit Up, whereas Bush the Cowboy Blew Shit Up but then declared to the nation that Blowin' Shit Up was required for the purposes of Justice.
Now, if you notice -- which the New Class seems to not have -- Shit is gettin' blowed up in either case, whether the President gives speeches like Henry the Fifth or whether he gives them like Hamlet.
So apparently the New Class' objection to Bush really wasn't about Blowing Shit Up -- they applaud (reluctantly) when Obama Blows Shit Up -- but just about the words and tone used to communicate the facts that Shit Will Be Blowed Up.
Kerry is claiming this isn't a war for two reasons. For one thing, he is running a Pretend War, where he pretends we're not at war so as not to cause his passionately stupid Democrat base to deal with the shock of Orwellian doublethink doubling upon itself too much and then breaking from the weight of it all.
But the other thing he's doing is saying, "Unlike those other Barbarians, when we bomb people and kill people and shoot drones on people's heads, and introduce American soldiers into harm's way, we're kind of meh about it. Yeah we're doing it, but we're not like Totally Into It, and that should make all the difference."
Does it?
Who gives a wet fart what your emotional relationship is with American military policy, Kerry?
Oh and by the way: I wonder how the families of the American troops killed in this not-war war will feel knowing that John Kerry and Barack Obama aren't really into any of this at all.