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June 29, 2014
Now They're After Our Credit Cards [Y-not]
Even I, a 12th Level RINO Diablo, think this is nuts:
Thousands of campaigners have already signed a petition calling for Visa to end its association with the lobby group.
The NRA's website encourages supporters to "defend freedom with the NRA visa card".
The busybodies at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence are ticked off that the NRA has raised over $20 million through a credit card affinity program with Visa.
Trigger warning below the fold...
From the gentleman's magazine Maxim, a list of "8 Insanely Powerful Guns."
I have a feeling you'll have fun chewing on this list, as well as the author who seems like a pussy. (Yeah, yeah, I think it's a couple of years old. Whaddya expect from a RINO?)
OK, I know nothing about guns, so I couldn't find a good "Name the Gun" picture, but maybe you can tell me what this fine member of the Israeli military is carrying:
Open thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
07:34 PM
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