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June 27, 2014
Top Headline Comments 6-27-14
Many people will write about President Obama's insulting, stupid comments in Minnesota yesterday. But let me break them down for you into the short version: he's a dirtbag. Oh, and the bloom is off the rose.
Here's some speculation related to Speaker Boehner's lawsuit against Obama. If it's true that the suit will use the Raines argument and be based on the employer mandate, I want to point out that I thought of it a long, long time before David Rivkin and Elizabeth Price Foley. In fact, I've been pressing for a lawsuit on those grounds for almost a year.
The John Doe prosecutor came out and said that Gov. Walker was in no way the target of the investigation, nor had he been linked to a "criminal scheme." Which is exactly what I wrote when the news media were cooking up their lies about it.
Andy has the new podcast up. Have a great weekend.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:42 AM
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