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June 26, 2014
Cruz: Holder Must Appoint Special Prosecutor In IRS Scandal, Or He Must Be Impeached
Holder? I thought it was the President who did so...?
Not sure, but good for him for pushing it. This is perfectly smart politics: The public agrees that there should be a special prosecutor, and 76% believe the IRS deliberately destroyed emails, with only a childish rump of 12% believing it was a "mistake."
Make this corrupt shitheel defend his decision to not investigate this.
Cruz made this statement while asking for a Senate resolution declaring that a special prosecutor should be appointed:
"If this resolution is not passed and Democrats in the Senate choose not to put this necessary pressure on the Department of Justice, I have one very clear request," Cruz said. "If Attorney General Eric Holder continues to refuse to appoint a special prosecutor, he should be impeached."
Cruz asked for unanimous consent to call up and adopt a resolution "expressing the opinion of the Senate that the Attorney General should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate, and prosecute, if the facts support, the IRS targeting of Americans and its potential cover up of those actions."