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June 26, 2014
To the Extent it May Matter, Republicans Continue to Gain Strength in Senate Battleground States
We might just wind up getting what the Movement has always been about: renaming the John C. Murtha Social Wellness center the Thad Cochran Freedom & Prosperity Pavilion.
The poll by Resurgent Republic and Democracy Corps, Republican and Democratic research firms, respectively, found that President Barack Obama’s approval rating in 12 states with the most competitive Senate races is only 38%—--3 points lower than his national approval number.
And Republicans have the upper hand when it comes to party trust on key issues, according to the survey: 50% of all voters favor Republicans’ handling of foreign policy, 16 percentage points higher than their trust in Democrats. The split is less dramatic on the economy, with 47% of voters trusting Republicans, compared to 37% trusting Democrats. Among independents, who often cast the key swing votes in close races, 48% say they trust Republicans handling of the economy while only 28% trust Democrats.
Even on health care, Republicans are favored, albeit slightly: 45% of all voters trust Republicans to handle health care and 41% of voters trust Democrats.
A Republican pollster says the environment is better for the GOP than anytime in recent memory, which of course includes 2010.