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Overnight Open Thread (13 Jun 2014) »
June 13, 2014
Friday Night Culture Post
Yay, Friday night. Time to kick back and marvel at just how depraved our culture has become. (I don't mean this at all, but it seemed justifiably dark for Friday the 13th when I'm still in the office.)
Confession: I never really liked the first one. I saw it once. It was okay, I guess.
Oh, and here's culture for you. Our old friend Anthony Weiner is still having trouble figuring out how Twitter works.
Nerds, get ready to change your shorts, they're making a Magic: The Gathering movie. To be honest, the artwork from the game was just incredible. I used to look at it for hours. If they manage to translate that to the big screen, it'd be amazing.
And here's a How To Train Your Dragon 2 review. I am definitely seeing this movie in theaters. The first one was great. I hope they don't mess it up.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:19 PM
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