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Saturday Gardening Thread: Easter Weekend Edition [Y-not and WeirdDave] �
April 19, 2014
Open Thread for Politics 4-19-14 [WeirdDave]
Well, the garden thread was supposed to be a parody sing along themed one, but that went south in a hurry. However, it just so happens I have a song I wrote to the tune of �Bonnie Blue Flag� back when the Tea Party was new, and that one goes great in an OT political thread. Here's the original song if you're not familiar with it, it was almost as popular as �Dixie� in the CSA. From the movie Gods and Generals:
"We are a band of brothers
And native to the soil,
Fighting for the property
We gained by honest toil;
And when our rights were threatened,
The cry rose near and far--
"Hurrah for the Gadsden Flag
Fly proudly from our spar!"
CHORUS: Hurrah! Hurrah!
Individual rights hurrah!
Hurrah for the Gadsden Flag
Fly proudly from our spar.
While the D.C elite,
Were faithful to their trust,
Like friends and like brothers
Both kind were we and just;
But now, when Federal treachery
Attempts our rights to mar,
We hoist on high the Gadsden Flag
Fly proudly from our spar.--CHORUS
First gallant Rick Santelli
cried out from the exchange,
The people followed quickly,
rejecting this new "change".
Alaska's native daughter,
inspired many more
All raised on high the Gadsden Flag
Fly proudly from our spar.--CHORUS
Ye men of valor, gather round
The banner of our fight;
From home to halls of Congress
The statist foe we smite.
We shall oppose the president,
his cronies and his tzars;
Now rally round the Gadsden Flag
Fly proudly from our spar.--CHORUS
And then in old Virginia--
progressives met their fate--
Along with blue New Jersey
showed reforms can not wait;
Impelled by their example,
Now other states prepare
To hoist on high the Gadsden Flag
Fly proudly from our spar.--CHORUS
Then cheer, boys, cheer;
Raise the joyous shout,
The two-ten midterms proved our case
There is no remaining doubt;
And let another rousing cheer
For freedom's light be given,
"Don't tread on me" from the Gadsden Flag
Flies proudly from our spar.--CHORUS
Then here's to our Republic,
Strong are we and brave;
Like patriots of old we'll fight
Our rule of law to save.
And rather than submit to shame,
To die we would prefer;
So cheer for the Gadsden Flag
Fly proudly from our spar.--CHORUS
Open thread

posted by Open Blogger at
11:26 AM
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