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Open Thread for Politics 4-19-14 [WeirdDave] »
April 19, 2014
April 19 1995. Oklahoma City. A vehicle bomb containing barrels of ammonium nitrate, liquid nitromethane, diesel fuel, and about a million pounds of pure goddamned evil was detonated in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building.
He killed 168 people including 19 children, 15 of which were inside the America's Kids Day Care Center. There were almost 700 other casualties.
I remember thinking as all the facts came to light this was the most evil, cruel, hateful, insane act of murder that ever happened in my country in my lifetime. At the time it was true. It isn't true now.
All this happened a few minutes ago on a beautiful spring morning in 1995.
God bless the men and women who struggled to save lives that day, to those who cared for the wounded, and the families and loved ones of those whose lives were torn apart that terrible day.
Gabe normally posts on the events of this awful day, he was unavailable this morning and asked if someone else could do it.
I have a friend who lost her parents that day. They had "disappeared", her sister in Oklahoma City said "I haven't heard from mom and dad and don't know where they are". Her sister went to their mom and dad's home and found some Social Security forms and paperwork on the kitchen table. It was weeks before their bodies were identified but the sisters pretty much knew a few days after the bombing that their parents had gone to the Murrah building that morning.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:09 AM
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