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December 12, 2012
MSNBC Reports That AFP Tent May Have Been Taken Down By False Flag Agents on the Right Wing
This is MSNBC.
You know, the guys who think conspiracy theories are crazy.
Unelss it comes from the stinking fever swamps of the left.
But one eyewitness tells MSNBC.com he thinks there may be more to the story. Thomas Duckworth, a Michigan resident and lifelong union member, said he’d been at the AFP tent earlier in the day, when he noticed a man in an NRA hat. Later, he said, he saw the man deliberately loosening the ropes holding the tent up. Duckworth acknowledged that labor supporters had cheered the tent’s collapse, but suggested that AFP had deliberately helped initiate the it, in order to depict their adversaries as an unruly mob.
The progressive communications group Progress Michigan also conducted an interview with Duckworth. You can find the video on their YouTube page.
via @johnekdahl