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June 07, 2012
Top Headline Comments 6-7-12
Happy Thursday.
Last night, the Canadian House of Commons voted to repeal the much-abused hate-speech section of the Canadian Human Rights Act. That free speech win was a long time coming in America's hat.
According to a new book about Obama's foreign policy, former SecDef Gates, pissed at the White House for the operational leaks about the UBL raid (in particular John Brennan's inaccurate bragging), offered a "new strategic communications approach." "Shut the f@*k up," the defense secretary said.
President Obama and Gov. Romney are both taping comedic segments for the opening of tonight's Country Music Awards.
Obama also made an off-color joke about his wife at a fundraiser last night, which has some folks on twitter aghast. I absolutely agree that racy jokes about women are absolutely unacceptable and absolutely inappropriate---absolutely at informal fundraisers like this one---and I'm absolutely shocked that this president (or any president) would use a pregnant pause to suggest that he has sex-thoughts about his wife. Absolutely.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:58 AM
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