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June 07, 2012
Pull the Plug: Zimmerman Prosecutor Threatens to Sue Harvard... For Alan Derschowitz's Criticism of Her
You have to just read the whole thing.
Long story short:
State Attorney Angela Corey, the prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case, recently called the Dean of Harvard Law School to complain about my criticism of some of her actions.
She was transferred to the Office of Communications and proceeded to engage in a 40-minute rant, during which she threatened to sue Harvard Law School, to try to get me disciplined by the Bar Association and to file charges against me for libel and slander.
She said that because I work for Harvard and am identified as a professor she had the right to sue Harvard.
When the communications official explained to her that I have a right to express my opinion as “a matter of academic freedom,” and that Harvard has no control over what I say, she did not seem to understand.
Derschowitz claimed it was unethical for her to file a charging document telling half the truth -- for example, deliberately omitting the photos showing George Zimmerman bruised and bloody.
She disagrees, claiming she can file the half-truths so long as she discloses the actual full truths to the defense.
Derschowitz does not agree, as the charging document itself must be true-- not half-true, not misleading.
In any event, that's a sideshow-- what's remarkable is that she believes she can sue Alan Derschowitz for his academic, expert opinion, or that she could sue Harvard for it.
Or that she'd even threaten to.
If I had any confidence at all in Angela Corey's professionalism and judgement (and, straight-up, I didn't; I wasn't sure if her press conference was designed to announce a murder 2 indictment or a Homeowner's Sweepstakes winner), I don't any longer.
Thanks to @comradearthur and @gabrielmalor.