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October 08, 2010
Ace: I'm Still A Little Worried Meek Will Drop Out and Endorse Crist
Rasmussen: Don't Sweat It
Ace: How Can I Not Sweat It?
Rasmussen: Fifty Percent, Baby
Coming off a contentious televised debate, Republican Marco Rubio has now jumped to a two-to-one lead over Independent candidate Charlie Crist in Florida’s U.S. Senate race. Democratic Congressman Kendrick Meek still runs third.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Florida shows Rubio with 50% of the vote, up nine points from just over a week ago and his best showing in the race to date. Support for Crist, the state’s current GOP governor, has fallen to a new low of 25%, while Meek captures 19%. Three percent (3%) like another candidate in the race, and three percent (3%) more are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Rasmussen moves the race to "Solid Republican."
From CAC. who wants you to see his projections for Senate. Bear in mind, CAC predicts defeat in at least thee states we have a good shot at winning (CT, NY, and especially CA), so his 51 R's could easily wind up fifty four. And then who knows, maybe Christine O'Donnell can make a race of it, too.