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October 08, 2010
This Just In: The Japanese Will Make a Robot Out Of Anything
This video is being labeled "NSFW" but that's not really true.
Yes, it's a robot vagina. But, it's a medical training device, showing doctors how to deliver a baby. And the video shows that. Doctors, in doctor-smocks, delivering a simulated baby.
So, I think you can get away with it at work. I mean, you know, they show this stuff on The Discovery Channel and there it's not even a robot, it's the real thing. Actually: Okay, I guess it probably is NSFW, because, like, no one can afford to lose a job right now. So I guess wait. Unless your employer doesn't mind robot-vagina videos.
But make up your own minds. I gotta say, this is weird. The robot vagina makes these horrific badly-voice-synthesized grunts and moans, I guess to make the simulation more complete, but it's the freakiest thing.
I think you've gotta watch it because it's going to be an internet meme.
Oh, and here's a bonus Ewok picture.
Via the Other McCain, who also has a Krystal Ball for Congress video mash-up, and that one is sorta NSFW, what with horny dick-noses and all.