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October 06, 2010
Former Liberal Darling Candidate For House Says He Won't Vote For Pelosi As Speaker
Look, I can hear Winston Wolf's voice in my head but this is getting to be too much fun.
Remember when liberals raised over a million dollars for the guy running against Joe "You Lie" Wilson in the wake of that blowup?
Yeah turns out that might not have been the best use for the money.
According to a report by The Associated Press, Miller -- who is hoping to oust Rep. Joe Wilson (R) in the South Carolina 2nd district race -- said Wednesday that he would not vote to keep Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as Speaker in the 112th Congress.
The AP reported that Miller's comments were in response to a Wilson ad showing side-by-side images of Miller and Pelosi, who has contributed money to the Democrat's campaign.
Now Miller evidently is looking to distance himself from Pelosi, and he told the AP that Washington is broken and blamed leaders for the strife, according to the wire service.
Now Markos is chiming in.
How many of you gave money to this dumbass, b/c his opponent screamed "you lie" at Obama?
If you Google "Daily Kos, Rob Miller, Joe Wilson" you'll see there were more than a few posts soliciting support for Miller. Now, he's taken their cash and turned on their heroes.
Someone once said "Break their back, crush their spirits". I hope he has better insurance than ObamaCare provides because he's about to get his back broken, his ass kicked and his lunch money taken away.

posted by DrewM. at
11:13 PM
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