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October 11, 2008
McCain And Obama React To John Lewis' Idiocy
I'm putting this in a new post since the last one ran kind of long.
First, McCain.
"Congressman John Lewis' comments represent a character attack against Governor Sarah Palin and me that is shocking and beyond the pale," McCain said. "The notion that legitimate criticism of Senator Obama's record and positions could be compared to Governor George Wallace, his segregationist policies and the violence he provoked is unacceptable and has no place in this campaign."
McCain continued, saying "I am saddened that John Lewis, a man I've always admired, would make such a brazen and baseless attack on my character and the character of the thousands of hardworking Americans who come to our events to cheer for the kind of reform that will put America on the right track."
"I call on Senator Obama to immediately and personally repudiate these outrageous and divisive comments that are so clearly designed to shut down debate 24 days before the election. Our country must return to the important debate about the path forward for America."
Naturally, through his spokesman Obama tries to have it both ways.
“Senator Obama does not believe that John McCain or his policy criticism is in any way comparable to George Wallace or his segregationist policies. But John Lewis was right to condemn some of the hateful rhetoric that John McCain himself personally rebuked just last night, as well as the baseless and profoundly irresponsible charges from his own running mate that the Democratic nominee for President of the United States ‘pals around with terrorists.’ As Barack Obama has said himself, the last thing we need from either party is the kind of angry, divisive rhetoric that tears us apart at a time of crisis when we desperately need to come together. That is the kind of campaign Senator Obama will continue to run in the weeks ahead”
My guess is this isn't going to go very far. The press obviously aren't going to dig into it. Come on, Lewis is a Democrat and besides most of them probably agree with him.
As for McCain, what's he going to do? Yeah he could go on the offensive about smear tactics, uncivil discourse and the double standards of the left but what's that going to accomplish? Is that going to move the needle as much as ACORN/Obama and the economy? It's late in the game and you can only attack on so many fronts without stepping on your own message.
Of course this kind of attack is the thing that strikes at McCain's sense of honor so I'm sure he'll want to do it and in a better world, could do it. I'm just not sure with three weeks left and the economy at the top of everyone's mind, it will serve him well.

posted by DrewM. at
05:30 PM
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