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October 11, 2008
Extreme Hollywood Makeover: Annette Bening To Play Helen Thomas
UPDATED for Flaming, Cause We're Pretty Much in the Mood
I know the movie is set during the Nixon administration but Helen never looked like Annette Benning.
Apparently in Hollywood all things are possible so when they make and cast Ace of Spades HQ: The Movie, the part of DrewM. will be played by Patrick Dempsey. Now as a straight guy I'm not sure if he's that good looking of a guy but the chicks seem to love him, so that's good enough for me.
Any other casting thoughts for the bloggers or commenters?
Below the fold my choice to play Ace and Dave in Texas.
Flamin? I think it's on.
Dave In Texas:
Damn typecasting.
UPDATE [DinT]: This is the face I see when I think of Drew. A kind face. A gentleman. Yes.
It's his heart you love. It's a good heart. A kind heart. A forty eight pound heart.