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August 30, 2007
Holy Crap! Giant Frickin Spider Webs
Giant. f'n. Spiderwebs!
Uncle Jonathan's corncob pipe! They found a frickin ginormous spiderweb in a state park in Northeast Texas, hoovering up mosquitoes like Michael Moore on a plate of cheesy fries.
Entomologists (bug scientists) scratch their collective heads over how it came to be. "Were they collectivists, building a giant web for the common good"?
That's it. Commie spiders in Texas.
Burn it up. Burn it all up. Or better yet, nuke it from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.
Giant. f'n. Spiderwebs!
From lauraw, who has spider-eating wrens in her back yard, who could eat like kings if they could find lake Tawakoni.

posted by Dave In Texas at
07:37 PM
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