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August 30, 2007
Thinking about Double Standards
Matt from the Malcontent blog has an excellent piece on the double standards of both the Left and the legacy media, cleverly entitled: Barkeep, Make Mine a Double Standard! He also contrasts the response of Republicans with that of Democrats in various scandals.
I was in the shower this morning listening to the Larry Craig story stretch into its fourth day — the network happened to be CNN, but that isn’t especially relevant — when anchor Kiran Chetry asked her Democrat and Republican pundit-guests about a “double standard.”
Naturally, I thought she was referring to the recurring fact that Republicans are quick to discipline or expel Republicans enmeshed in scandal, whereas Democrats generally are not. But in the actual context (I’m still waiting for the transcript), the discussion focused on the “other” double-standard: that Republicans seem to deal more harshly with gay-related scandals than with others.
Go read the whole thing.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:04 PM
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