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May 19, 2007
Bush Gets Back-Taxes Provision of Amnesty Stripped From Bill; Pro-Amnesty Republicans Begin To Get Booed
Strangely enough, actual Americans who owe back taxes will continue to be hounded by the INS. Illegal immigrants, however, are on a "pathway to super-duper-special citizenship" which disobligates them the laws the rest of us live by.
If you're thinking that flat-rate $5000 fine would cover it anyway, guess again-- Mel Martinez is looking to get that dramatically reduced if not removed entirely.
Saxby Chambliss and Lindsey Graham, the Robin* to McCain's Batman**, are both being heckled.
In unrelated but related news, Basra "set to disintegrate" as Iranian-funded militias take over.
Remember 2002? Remember the talk of the permanent Republican majority, and Bush's bold gambles which would, it was presumed, pay off not only in the debased coin of political power but in the more precious gem of increased US security?
Good times, good times. It's like recalling a wonderful childhood dream.
* FWIW, I think Burt Ward did a better job of filling out the green bikini bottoms.
** Bruce Wayne just called to say "I'm Batman. McCain is, at best, the Space Monkey Gleep."