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April 24, 2007
Cindy Sheehan Compares (Yawn) Psy-Choad To Bush; Nutjob Lefty Truther Type Claims Choad Was A CIA Experiment Gone Wrong
Absoulte moral authority from Cindy Sheehan.
And here: weapons-grade crazy.
If we are to believe the emerging timeline of events, Cho Seung-Hui killed a woman and her RA in a dorm, went back to his dorm and captured a QuickTime video rant, burned a DVD, trekked to the post office with two 9mm weapons in tow, mailed the DVD, along with photos and miscellaneous writings to NBC, and then marched over to Norris Hall and killed another thirty or so people execution-style.
Add to this a bevy of “experts” on television this evening declaring Cho Seung-Hui to be obviously paranoid schizophrenic. Excuse me, but paranoid schizophrenics, minus medication, have a difficult time stitching two coherent sentences together, let alone methodically engaging in homicide, managing to escape undetected, and then recording thoughts after the fact and conjuring up the wherewithal to send out a press release.
Actually most psychiatric experts refuse, as genuine experts do, to evaluate a subject they haven't studied or interviewed, and, to the extent they do indulge in speculation (which, in fairness, they almost always do, after stating they're not supposed to), they denied that Choad was a schizophrenic or psychotic (i.e., suffered a "break with reality," was incapable of distinguishing reality from fantasy and halluciantion).
He was probably psychopathic, an entirely distinct condition from being psychotic or schizophrenic.
But this is the point where Boone tells me "Forget it, he's rolling."
I’m not buying it.
But what I can buy, or at least entertain, is the possibility Cho Seung-Hui is, for lack of a better term, a Manchurian Candidate. Do a Google search on Project Bluebird, the very real CIA experiments in brainwashing and multiple personality engineering.
“BLUEBIRD was approved by the CIA director on April 20, 1950. In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE included a great deal of work on the creation of amnesia, hypnotic couriers, and the Manchurian Candidate,” writes Colin A. Ross, MD. “ARTICHOKE documents prove that hypnotic couriers functioned effectively in real-life simulations conducted by the CIA in the early 1950’s. The degree to which such individuals were used in actual operations is still classified…
Before you write me off as another tinfoil hat nut case...
Too late.
... consider this document, released from the CIA under an FOIA request. In part, the document states:
“Miss [redacted] was instructed (having expressed a fear of firearms) that she would use every method at her disposal to awaken Miss [redacted] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep). Failing this, she would pick up a pistol and fire it at Miss [redacted]. She was instructed that she would not hesitate to “kill” [redacted]..."
Must kill Papp-Smear... Must kill Papp-Smear...
Of course, the existence of Project Bluebird and the search for Manchurian Candidate is hardly conclusive evidence Cho Seung-Hui was a programmed murder zombie. On the other hand, the picture painted by the corporate media, that Cho Seung-Hui was simply a mentally deranged and violent loner who stalked women and wrote disjointed plays does not make sense, especially considering his reported proficiency with handguns and the series of methodical tasks he accomplished soon after gunning down two people in cold blood.
Either way, the largest massacre in American history, carried out on the campus of a prestigious engineering school, will certainly jack up the fear ratio—to say nothing of launch yet another salvo at the Bill of Rights, two things certain to please our control freak rulers.
Cui bono?
Who benefits? Um, the left? The gun control advocates?
How the hell does Bush benefit from a mass-murder during his presidency?
Oh right, he gets to "shred the constitution and Bill of Rights"... by abolishing the Second Amendment, as many lefties are now agitating for.
Thanks to Max for that.