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June 23, 2006
Shock: Poll Finds Most Muslims Deny Muslim Responsibility For 9/11
It's just too depressing to contemplate. I'm sorry, but these people are so backwards and benighted they need another 300 years of cultural evolution just to reach the openness, freedom, and intellectual foment of the Inquisition.
And if I'm down on Islam, well, I give up. We can root for victory all we like in Iraq. Doesn't change the fact that half of Pakistan supports Al Qaeda, or that one of the Bali bombers gets a hero's reception after being released from prison (after a couple of years!) in Indonesia.
It's about time to stop coddling Muslims and shame them into giving up stone-age savagery.
"Respect" is lethal, when you're showing "respect" for backwardness, superstition, totalitarianism, and inhumanity. We don't show "respect" for the "diverse belief systems" of the Ku Klux Klan.
I don't get this. Many Muslims support the attacks of 9/11; support bin Ladin, who admitted planning the attacks; but then deny that Muslims had anything to do with 9/11. What kind of bizarre mind-fuck have these people imposed on themselves?