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June 23, 2006
Indictment: Miami 7 Wanted To Kill "All The Devils We Can"
And CAIR has predictably begun screaming about "backlash."
Hmmm... The way I see it, there are two ways to decrease anti-Muslim "backlash:"
1) The US Government and media can increase efforts to promote "understanding" of Islam and tell us, for the bazillionth time, that Arabs invented algebra.
2) Muslims can stop plotting to murder people, and CAIR can stop encouraging them to do so, and stop employing or associating itself with terrorist-connected murder-priests.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm leaning towards #2 as being more effective.
LGF also notes the Kos talking points -- which he now calls the "Kos Koordinating Kommittee" -- and finds them "weak."
Goldstein has a wide-ranging post on the bust as well as the NYT's exposure of yet another legal intlligence program. He finds "jreid" making this astute commentary on her blog:
Here we go. The FBI blow-torch raid and arrests of the Karate Seven down here in South “Flaw-duh” has launched the right wing crazy boat online.
[....] Guys. Take a deep breath. Liberty City is not Peshwar. It’s the hood, man. These are probably some militant brothas working out and doing marshal arts and fancying themseelves revolutionaries. The idea that they had a serious plot going, or that they had any conceivable ties—familial or otherwise—to actual terrorists, is laughable. Prediction: this will go the way of the dirty bomber and the two yokels who were supposed to blow up electrical transformers in South Florida but wound up trying to buy a couple of AK-47s with a bad credit card.
I do so love it when white liberal chicks talk "street." It gives their words such authenticity and authority.
"Flaw-duh." "Bruthas."
No wonder the MSM, and 90% of the country, looks down on blogs. I read crap like that and I'm ashamed.
Goldstein notes the passive-aggressive stealth racism in "jreid's" post, the apparent assumption that blacks don't have the "necessities" to accomplish anything more grandiose than street-level crime.
Correction: I meant to use the word "necessities" rather than "requirements" -- Al Campanis' reason why there weren't more black managers in baseball. Thanks to TaterCon for the correction.