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December 29, 2005
Bahraini Feminist Tees Off On Islamic Pedophilia, Subjugation of Women
By Allah:
Ghada Jamshir: "Does the Islamic Shari'a authorize mut'ah marriages? Does the Islamic Shari'a authorize mut'ah according to the following classification: 'Pleasure from sexual contact with her thighs.' They have: 'Pleasure from sexual touching,' 'pleasure from sexual contact with her breasts.' 'Pleasure from a little girl.' Do you know what 'pleasure from a little girl' means? It means that they derive sexual pleasure from a girl aged two, three, or four."
Interviewer: "Let's not go into details..."
Ghada Jamshir: "Let me tell you what 'pleasure from sexual contact with her thighs' means..."
Interviewer: "Don't give me the details..."
Ghada Jamshir: "This is a violation of children's rights! This constitutes sexual assault of the girl. What does 'pleasure from sexual contact with her thighs' mean? It means deriving sexual pleasure from an infant. How old is an infant? One year, a year and a half, a few months?
"Is it conceivable for a grown man to have sex with an infant girl? And you people tell me that the Islamic Shari'a authorizes this? Forget about the mut'ah. Let's talk about misyar. What do misyar marriages mean? You said that I'm a Sunni and that's why I'm attacking the Shiites. No!"
Interviewer: "Some people claim that."
Ghada Jamshir: "No, no. What does the misyar marriage mean? A man marries a woman from another town, and goes to her once a month. He 'visits' her. He calls her his 'wife.'"
Interviewer: "Not necessarily once a month. He might go there every day."
Ghada Jamshir: "Brother Turki, this kind of marriage, this kind of behavior, diminishes the woman's honor as a human being."
"All her life, the woman is a prisoner in her own home. In the past, she would not go out to work, or to study abroad. Very few women would go to university outside Bahrain. She is at home in order to cook, sweep, and raise the children. How will she get an education? There are women whose families are extremist. They even force them to marry against their will.
"You tell me, why is female circumcision still practiced in the Arab world? Why? Because there is no education, no awareness. A few days ago, a four-year-old girl called An'am died in Sudan."
Interviewer: "Why?"
Ghada Jamshir: "Because she had been circumcised. Four years old, and she died of blood poisoning."
At the end, the interviewer brings up the fact that she's (obviously) been accused of heresy, and she basically says she doesn't give a wet shit.
I'm not a Freudian. Or at least I wasn't. I probably don't believe in the particulars of his theories (I don't know what they are, except that he thinks that pooping affects your psychological make-up), but I am starting to believe that sex is the motivation for 90% of the goofy, bizarre, and cruel things humans do.
Why don't more feminists support women like this, and women generally in the Islamic world? I know Jay Leno's wife, a liberal feminist, was a pretty big advocate for women in Afghanistan; I just wish there were more like her.
Why do we only hear about this woman from MEMRI? Why doesn't Katie Freaking Couric interview her on the Today Show?
It's the liberation of women that hardline psychosexual-dysfunctional Islamist men fear the most. And it may end up being that Islamic women wind up bringing the mullahs to bear.
And then, a hundred years from now, they'll screw everything up, like they've done in America. But let's just kick that particular can down the road and deal with it later.
Related: In France, a Muslim girl has broke her silence about the repeated gang-rapes she was subjected to and has written a book about it.