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December 16, 2005
King Kong: The Godzilla of Giant Monster Movies?
Allah once again:
Kong's Thursday night box-office falls 35%.
Now, yes, the previous night was the premiere, so some drop-off might be expected... but it's not a standard premiere night (like a Friday or a major holiday), so... we shouldn't have that much of a drop off, should we? I mean, this is just one inconvenient weekday night after another.
For comparison's sake, Narnia only dropped off 3.7% Wednesday to Thursday.
Allah might owe Hugh Hewitt an apology. King Kong's box-office is definitely not a solid B+.
Greenlight This Immediately Update: Kelly thinks of a way to combine two current Hollywood obsessions--
How about a movie about two giant gay gorillas with a forbidden love?
Call it Silverback Mountain.