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King Kong: The Godzilla of Giant Monster Movies? �
December 16, 2005
St. Andrew Escalates: Mickey Kaus Is a Homo!
Allah didn't predict this, but really, he should have. Duh.
By a link simply reading "KAUS AND GAYS: Some further reflections here," he directs traffic to this post, titled:
Mickey Kaus Loves the Ladies, Really!
and which includes the snarky line:
Kaus doesn't want to see [Brokeback Mountain] because he's straight straight straight.
It's so childish. This is what Andrew Sullivan considers link-worthy? The age-old silly gay taunt that if you're not willing to roll with a little man-on-man action, you must be gay?
Makes sense: There are two sorts of men in the world. Men who are into gay sex, who are gay, and men who are not into gay sex, who are also gay. Hey, if they were comfortable enough in their masculinity to be attracted to other men, they'd be homosexuals, and, therefore, actually heterosexuals, who are of course really homosexuals because, in the words of Kurt Cobain, "Everyone is gay."