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December 04, 2005
I Kid Because I Love
I seem to have angered a lot of women with my crack about them all being polymorphously perverse bi-curious pseudolesbian pleasure-thralls.
I'm kidding. It's an overstatement for comic effect.
There's a lot more experimentation among women (especially young women) than among men, of course. When's the last time you saw two straight guys making out at a party to titilate the women? Or a straight guy "playfully" feeling up a guy's joint as a "joke"? The "Lesbian Until Graduation" phenomenon is well-documented (if overstated and overpublicized, just because it's so titillating); there is no "Gay Until Graduation" phenomenon sweeping the undergraduate male population.
The thing about "all women are just three cocktails away from some hot girl-on-girl action" comes from David Spade, as Dennis Finch on Just Shoot Me. It's not as of yet a peer-reviewed hypothesis.
So, you know, just ribbing. It's not a true theory of mine that a majority of women are that way.
More like a hope. An intense yearning so powerful it gives me night-sweats.
But the dream continues:
14% of young women report having same-sex encounters; 57% of college age women say they would like to have sex with Angelina Jolie.