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September 23, 2024

The Morning Report — 9/23/24


Good Morning Kids. It certainly seems as if Israel will be expanding its justified, and in reality, ongoing (since 19-forty-eight) self-defensive war of national survival – That is this latest chapter which began on 10/7 of last year with the subhuman Islamic monsters' invasion from Gaza, north into Lebanon. The mind-blowing – both quite literally and figuratively, mass detonation of thousands of pagers, cell phones and walkie talkies which vaporized Hezbollah operatives before they could attack Israel from the north to relieve pressure on their compatriots being turned into Rachel Corrie pancake breakfasts.

That said, the savages launched missiles towards Israel to which the Israelis returned fire, and massively.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) unleashed a new round of attacks against Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon on Saturday, conducting airstrikes that resulted in powerful explosions ripping through the night sky.

“The IDF completed an additional series of strikes in southern Lebanon since the afternoon, with the direction of the IDF Intelligence Directorate, the IAF struck approximately 290 targets, including thousands of launcher barrels, alongside additional terrorist infrastructure in multiple areas in southern Lebanon,”  the IDF said.

“The IDF will continue operating to dismantle and degrade Hezbollah’s capabilities and terrorist infrastructure.,” the statement added. . . The strikes came after Israel carried out an unprecedented strike against Hezbollah on Tuesday and Wednesday, detonating thousands of pagers and walkie talkies that Israel’s intelligence services had secretly built through legitimate manufacturing companies that it created as part of a plan that was at least 15 years in the making. . . The IDF noted that Hezbollah’s military top chain of command has been nearly entirely eliminated following the airstrikes yesterday.

I had pondered how the Israelis could have pulled this off so quickly if it was a response to 10/7 but 15 years in the making means that at least on some level some people within Israel's leadership understand full well who and what they are up against, as well as their own capabilities and the need to rely on unconventional warfare to neutralize an implacable, bloodthirsty enemy.

A bit closer to home, how's this for a laugh!

Someone made fun of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza City), and she and her leftist friends and colleagues are enraged. Now, rage is their default mode, so this was no surprise, but the whole incident provided an illuminating glimpse into how leftists try to arouse and exploit rage for their own purposes, and really don’t have much of anything they can use to motivate their cadres if they aren’t angry about something. It all started when Abraham Aiyash, a Democrat (of course) who is currently the majority leader of the Michigan House of Representatives, posted on X a political cartoon lampooning Tlaib. The cartoon, which was the work of Henry Payne of the Detroit News, first appeared not in the News, but in National Review. It depicts Tlaib sitting at her desk looking over at the smoking ruin of her pager and thinking: “Odd. My pager just exploded.”

. . . This is how charges of “racism” and “Islamophobia” are weaponized against those who oppose jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women. There is nothing “racist” or “Islamophobic” about this cartoon. It doesn’t mention Tlaib’s race or her religion. It merely makes fun of her for her unapologetic and open support of the jihad against Israel, which allies her with jihad terror groups including Hizballah.

For Tlaib and others like her, however, charging “racism” and “Islamophobia” is the all-purpose response to any criticism, no matter how mild. And why not? It works.

Speaking of Michigan and meshugas, Islamphobia; about as imaginary a concept as that of a nation and people of "Palestine" given the 1,500 year body count and ocean of blood spilled in the name of advancing Mohammedenism all over the world until it drowns in it. I give you this entry:

Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan dodged a question about whether Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan engaged in anti-semitism when criticizing Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel of Michigan over charges against anti-Israel protesters on a college campus.

Tlaib, one of several far-left members of “the Squad” in Congress, accused Nessel of taking a biased approach when she charged anti-Israel protesters in connection with an encampment at the University of Michigan, the Detroit Metro Times reported, prompting Nessel to accuse Tlaib of antisemitism in a Friday post on X. “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper asked Whitmer whether or not Tlaib’s accusation against the Michigan attorney general was anti-semitic.

I wonder if Democrat VP candidate Josh Shapiro wants to weigh in on this. HA!!!!

While the Democrats expose exactly who and what they are, Donald Trump had a rather interesting meeting with someone I would have thought would want absolutely nothing to do with him, given all of the above as well as the looming national election.

The Democrat mayor of a community with many Arab-Americans in Wayne County, Michigan, who helped lead the uncommitted movement in the Democrat primary, told Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday that his meeting with former President Donald Trump last week “was very productive” and well received by the community, which traditionally votes Democrat. Hamtramck Mayor Amer Ghalib (D) spoke with Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle in a nearly 20-minute segment on the program on the heels of his meeting with Trump in Flint, Michigan. . . Ghalib said his meeting with Trump materialized in part because many in Hamtramck and these neighboring communities are supportive of him and “the shifting dynamics” he is leading. . . “The meeting was very good,” Ghalib, who hails from Yemen, added. “I talked to President Trump about, you know, some statistics here in Wayne County and how it used to be a stronghold for the Democrats, and we always used to vote Democrat. This is not the case anymore here.” Ghalib recounted later in the interview that Trump said “he is going to end the chaos in the Middle East,” adding Trump “doesn’t want wars.”

Hamastramck or Haramtramck? Is this just another Taqqiya Sunrise, or is there something else going on? If this character is trying to appease the blue collar base, which is increasingly disenchanted with the Biden/Harris junta over its insane disaster over pushing EVs that is laying waste to their jobs among many other issues destroying the economy, on top of the Teamster rank and file seemingly leaning heavily towards Trump. Heck of a job trying to right the sinking Democrat ship. Mayor Ghalib.

Wayne County by the way was also heavily swamped in 2020 by the waters of an overflowing toilet in Atlanta on election night four years ago.

Of course, much of the rest of the Democrat Party still felt compelled to pimp this dreck:

Democrats are attempting to get funding restored to a U.N. Agency whose members participated in the October 7 mass killings in Israel last year alongside Hamas. At a press briefing outside the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, several Democratic Representatives called for reinstating funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the passage of H.R. 9649, a.k.a. the UNRWA Funding Emergency Restoration Act.Among the lawmakers pushing the legislation are Reps. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), who heads the House Progressive Caucus; Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a staunch ally of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA); André Carson (D-IN), the bill’s lead sponsor; and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), a vocal support of pro-Hamas policies. Overall, 65 House Democrats have joined Rep. Carson in cosponsoring the bill.

Yes, the ongoing conundrum of why Jews continue voting Democrat and Democrat politicians eagerly stick their heads in the nearest oven remains a mystery that I and others here and elsewhere have tried to wrap our non-gassed and decapitated heads around for years.

But, that said how does one explain the equally puzzling affinity for Islam that blacks have considering the history of the global African slave trade that by the way continues to this very day.

From its inception, Islam's history with the West has been one of unwavering antagonism and seismic clashes, often initiated by the former.  By the standards of history, nothing between the two civilizations is as well documented as this long war.  Accordingly, for more than a millennium, both educated and not so educated Europeans knew — the latter perhaps instinctively — that Islam was a militant creed that for centuries attacked and committed atrocities in their homelands, all in the name of "holy war," or jihad. These facts have been radically "updated" in recent times.  According to the dominant narrative — as upheld by mainstream media and Hollywood, pundits and politicians, academics and "experts" of all stripes — Islam was historically progressive and peaceful, whereas premodern Europe was fanatical and predatory.  Whatever else can be said about such topsy-turvy claims — and there is much — they raise the question: if such a formerly well known, well documented, and bloody history could be revised in a manner that presents its antithesis as the truth — with little objection or challenge — what then of Islam's more subtle but also negative influences on history, the sort that, unlike the aforementioned centuries of violence, are not copiously documented or readily obvious but require serious historical investigation? Take Islam's role in facilitating the transatlantic slave trade — which is otherwise almost always presented as an exclusively European enterprise.

Speaking of the upcoming election, as well as the disaffection of blue collar workers for the Democrats, as well as what may or may not happen in the key swing states, There are several links in the Politics section regarding one of the most crucial, the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that seem to bode well for Donald Trump this go around. Of course, flooding Atlanta toilets and other possible and/or probable Democrat election rigging notwithstanding.

Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) is warning Democrats not to underestimate Donald Trump's strong support in Pennsylvania, which is widely believed to be this year’s tipping-point state At the Atlantic Festival, he told Jeffrey Goldberg the race would be closer than many Democrats believe, noting that Trump’s influence has increased since his recent assassination attempt at a rally in the state.. .

This is not the first time Fetterman has suggested that the election in Pennsylvania would be really close, but he also said he believed Kamala would ultimately win.
 "I think if you match up Trump and Harris, which I think that's really what that this is really about, and I do believe [she’s] gonna win Pennsylvania,” he said back in August. “And, of course, it's gonna be close, but I've been maintaining that whether it's Biden, whether it was Clinton, or whether now it's with vice president Harris. It's gonna be very close, and I do believe she's gonna prevail.”
Fetterman, of course, also believed that Biden would win Pennsylvania, despite the unmistakable signs of Trump’s strength there. Before Joe Biden dropped out, Donald Trump held a nearly five-point lead in the RealClearPolitics average in the state, which was huge considering that "old Scranton Joe" has deep roots in the state yet was still struggling to keep up.
It’s also worth noting here that Fetterman may be somewhat responsible if Kamala Harris loses his state. He lobbied hard against her picking Gov. Josh Shapiro, and it is widely believed that had she picked Shapiro, she’d have a more consistent and solid lead in the state.

Oh, Lumpy. You're making me cry. Three guesses why Shapiro wasn't picked.

Have a good day.

I'm sure our friend and polling and elections guru extraordinaire Dave in Florida has thoughts on all this.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:07 AM

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