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September 12, 2024
Freaky Deaky Cafe

St. Mary's Graveyard, Whitby, UK
by @Whitbyphotos
I have a theory on why the Cafe "skips around." I think the embedded videos are loading. And I think what you need to do to stop this "skipping around" is to let them finish loading completely, so that they go into your computer's working memory -- so then it doesn't have to reload them any more. I think maybe people are posting before they ever let the site finish loading the embedded videos, so every time they refresh the page, the site tries to finish loading them again.
You can still get your "first" attempts in, but after that, try letting the four embeds finish loading. Maybe that will stop the "skipping around" problem.
Young Republican In Training attempts her very first pounce.
Cat needs you to know he's in agony.
I could book tickets on this plane but I don't feel like it right now. (IG)
When a penguin loves a woman. (IG)
All focus on the phone. (IG)
Aw, let the dog enjoy the fountain.
Another dog that's all about the water.
Family dance.
Don't miss the boat. This is a nightmare I have every week. Doesn't have to be a boat, of course.
Is this Peak Gay Hipster? Dudes, 2003 called and it wants its Ironic Facial Hair back. This is like if OK Go was undergoing gender transition at the same time.
Scenes from the streets of America in just a couple of years.
More Coming Attractions for America.
A piece of conceptual art that actually makes the point it's trying to make.
Runaway truck ramps in use. So that's what they do.
The strange sounds of an icy lake.
Guy cradles and protects his girlfriend in a motorcycle wipe-out. Don't worry, they seem fine.
I guess it's supposed to be his dog's birthday, so he's letting the dog have his greatest fantasy?
Salute to an ailing officer.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:30 PM
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