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September 12, 2024

That Night On The Marge Of Lake Lebarg, I Cremated The ONT

Greetings Horde! Welcome to Thursday night. Unfortunately, tonight's content was what I could glean from Twitter in some hasty scrolling this afternoon. I tried out a new program to “clean up” my computer, and one of the things it “cleaned up” was the browser I keep open to stash ONT content. It was clean all right, all the history gone and all open tabs closed.

In other news, I've been asked by a friend who is a published author to contribute a short story for an anthology set in his WWIII universe. If they like it, I'll even get paid. I think it'll be cool to be able to refer to myself as a “published author”.

Eating pets.jfif

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Destroys The Diversity Is Our Strength Crowd

The Fatal Flaws of the "Far Center"

I was irked by this post, and responded that, on the contrary, the people stoking ethnic conflict are our politicians. In particular, the blame lies with those who have recklessly imposed unprecedented levels of mass immigration without public consent or concern for the consequences. You have only to look at Africa and the Middle East to realize that, once you have a sufficiently diverse population, there will always be some level of ethnic conflict. The greater the number of migrants a country brings in, the faster this change is imposed, the greater the cultural and ethnic difference between the existing population and the migrants, and the more such conflict you’re likely to get.

Read the whole thing. It's a good old fashioned fisking, the kind you don't see much anymore.

Happy Gates OF Vienna Day!
On this day in 1683, Christian forces defeated the Ottoman army outside the gates of Vienna, saving Europe from the clutches of Islam. "We came, we saw, God conquered" -John III Sobieski

Tonight's Menu

Fine International Cuisine

The truth is that the left howls racist or white supremacist because — as usual — they confuse race with culture. Frankly, if we’d got Ukrainians in the middle of Holodomor in the same circumstances these Haitians were dumped in Ohio, they would likely do the exact same thing — and most Ukrainians are far paler than I.

Race means nothing. Culture means everything. And Hatian culture is horrible, coming from horrible circumstances and a horrible history. In fact, things have been bad for so long in Ohio (Pretty sure she means Haiti here, but I love the backhanded attack on Ohio - WD) that even attempts at turning it around are impossible. And would probably fail. The island has been a wreck and a charity case so long that there is no memory of a productive existence, anymore. (No, it’s not race. The Dominican Republic has the same racial composition and is not the same mess.)

Haitians are as close, at this point, to feral humans, as it’s possible to get. Worse, they’re referalized humans. Humans once civilized who have been forced by extreme circumstances, to shed their civilization. Which is much worse than being “just” savage or feral.

Now, they could be salvaged, and if there’s a place they might have hope, it’s the US. But the way to do that is NOT to bring them in through wide open borders, with no background check, and dump them on a small Ohio town that you deem should be punished because– I don’t know — they voted for your opponent or something.

Sarah does a good job of illustration the folly of our current immigration policy. I agree, but I also realize that it's intentional.

Even A Squish Like DeWine Is Reacting

Ohio Governor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands, Deploys Troops as Haitian Migrant Crisis Hit Town Hard

Of course, if you read the article, you'll see that he's sending state police in to...address traffic problems. And he's spending money to “expand healthcare access”, whatever that means. Oh, and he wants money from the feds:

“As these numbers dramatically pick up, there’s some obligation for the federal government to help local communities who had nothing to do with the decision about people coming in, but now find themselves with a massive number of people,” DeWine said, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

“I want the people of Springfield and Clark County to know that as we move forward, we will continue to do everything we can to help the community deal with this surge of migrants,” DeWine said in a news release on his website.

“The federal government has not demonstrated that they have any kind of plan to deal with the issue. We will not walk away,” he said.

So, it's pretty much all bullshit.

College Choice

Here's an interesting tool from Heritage to help you find a non-woke, or at least a minimally woke, college

If you know anyone with kids about to choose a college, pass it along.


This Is Wild

Complete stranger obtains deed to $4M North Carolina home without homeowner's knowledge

The deed to a multi-million dollar home in Raleigh, North Carolina was swiped out from under the nose of the home's owner.

Craig Adams is frustrated. His 8,300-square-foot home is no longer in his name, despite Adams owning the home and still living in it with his wife. Despite him being up-to-date and in good standing with paying his mortgage and property taxes, Adams discovered the deed to his home is no longer in his name. Instead, it belongs to a complete stranger.

"Found out that she had filed a false warranty claim deed against this house and basically tried to steal (it)," Adams said.

The she Adams is referring to is Dawn Mangum. Adams only learned about Mangum getting the deed in her name after the property management company for his HOA asked if he sold his home, because Mangum had contacted the company to get gate access to the private gated community where the house sits.

What's wild is the county says there's nothing they can do about it. This is a huge gap in the law that needs to be filled.

The Peasants Are Revolting!

Never Trumpers Are on a War Footing

We face the extraordinary assumption among self-credentialed elites that America is stupid and degenerate, but American institutions are wise and effective. A nation full of ignorant trash has produced brilliance in government, genius in media, wisdom in academia, and a condition of near flawlessness from the helping professions. All elites are without failure, as are their works; all non-elites are without merit, as are their lives. A constitutional republic has produced Soviet cultural assumptions from soil that shouldn’t nurture this crop: the five-year plan is working, except for the wreckers and saboteurs. 

We have descended into vanguardism: the common folk cannot understand their own true interests, but a class imbued with the appropriate consciousness has the wisdom to guide them forward. With a firm hand. 

It will not end well for the “elites”.

Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by jigs:

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posted by WeirdDave at 10:00 PM

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