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June 27, 2024

CNN: The Biden Administration Is Moving Towards Allowing US "Contractors" -- Military Personnel Paid by Third Parties -- to Aid in the Fight Against the Russians in Ukraine

Holy. S***.

Hey man, you gotta vote for Biden. I mean Trump, Trump'll start World War III, no joke. My word as a Leftwing Propaganda Artist.

Supposedly they're merely "allowing" US companies to bid on contracts to "repair" weapons systems in Ukraine.

But almost all of the people skilled in such jobs, and willing to enter hellish foreign warzones, are US military personnel.

And I seem to remember a long history of US governments claiming that no US personnel will be engaged in fighting foreign wars, only to discover later that "ex"-military people were hired by the CIA to just do that in the capacity of "military advisors."

Sometimes you "advise" foreign troops about how to shoot at the enemy by actually shooting at the enemy yourself. Lead by example, you know?

Teach by doing. Show them how to fight their war by taking over their war for them.

And then, once US personnel were involved, the government would declare that now America's honor and flag were at risk, and we had to Commit Fully to fighting the Foreign Communist Threat.

Domino Theory, you know. We have to fight them over there before the dominoes fall and then we're fighting them in Duluth.

The Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine, four US officials familiar with the matter told CNN, to help the country's military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems.

The change would mark another significant shift in the Biden administration's Ukraine policy, as the US looks for ways to give Ukraine's military an upper hand against Russia.

The policy is still being worked on by administration officials and has not received final sign-off yet from President Joe Biden, officials said.

"We have not made any decisions and any discussion of this is premature," said one administration official. "The president is absolutely firm that he will not be sending US troops to Ukraine."

Once approved, the change would likely be enacted this year, officials said, and would allow the Pentagon to provide contracts to American companies for work inside Ukraine for the first time since Russia invaded in 2022. Officials said they hope it will speed up the maintenance and repairs of weapons systems being used by the Ukrainian military.

Over the last two years, Biden has insisted that all Americans, and particularly US troops, stay far away from the Ukrainian frontlines. The White House has been determined to limit both the danger to Americans and the perception, particularly by Russia, that the US military is engaged in combat there. The State Department has explicitly warned Americans against traveling to Ukraine since 2022.

But now?

They're going to keep escalating until they claim "we have to fight them there so we don't have to fight them here."

They're going to get into a nuclear war with Russia.

CNN claims these military contractors will "only" be repairing the engines of war Ukraine is using to attack Russia.

Well, first of all, Russia will certainly consider repairing and improving America-provided military armaments to be an act of war.

Second of all, I sure do remember American governments sending military advisors into foreign countries claiming their role would be strictly of a non-combat nature...


The discussions follow a series of decisions the US has made in recent months to try to help Ukraine beat back the Russians. In late-May, Biden gave Ukraine permission to strike targets inside Russia, near the border with the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, with US weapons--a request the US had repeatedly denied in the past. Last week, that policy appeared to expand once again, when National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said Ukraine could counterstrike anywhere along the Ukraine-Russia border using US weapons.

So prudent.

Biden is going to Mr Magoo us into WW III.

Dumb bastard.

Posted by: Frank Barone

Current and former officials familiar with the discussions about deploying contractors to Ukraine emphasized that the policy change will not result in the kind of overwhelming American contractor presence there that existed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead, it would likely result in anywhere from a few dozen to a couple hundred contractors working in Ukraine at a time.

I believe you. I also believe President Johnson when he tells me we're just sending a few dozen "military advisors" to Vietnam.

You know who's behind this, right?

"This would be a much more focused and thoughtful effort to support Ukraine in country," said retired Army officer Alex Vindman, who served as the director for European Affairs on former President Donald Trump's National Security Council.

Vindman has been pushing the administration to lift the restrictions for nearly two years and said the administration has been working on a plan to ease the restrictions since earlier this year.

This how The Regime gets America into foreign wars it does not want to fight: It's always just the tip, just the tip, just a little bit further now, boom, Now Our Flag Is On the Line and you're pregnant with a nuclear war with Russia.



So, what apparently happened was:

A US made ATACMS detonated cluster bombs over a recreational beach in Crimea on Sunday afternoon, killing four people and wounding more than 150.

The video in the post I linked shows that attack.

A Russian fighter jet shot down a US drone off of Crimea in international waters in response. (US drones are used to provide targeting information for "Ukrainian" weapons.)

The Russian government responded with "no comment" when asked about shooting down the drone.

The US government chose not to make an issue of the drone shootdown.

We are very, very close to World War Three.

Posted by: The ARC of History!

Russia is warning the US about this. From the Italian paper Il Tempo.

Ukraine, Moscow warns Washington: "With weapons in Kiev there is a risk of escalation"

American weapons, Moscow means.

While Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the troops engaged in repelling the massive Russian attacks in Donetsk, on the 'diplomatic' front there was yet another distant clash between Moscow and Washington. Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, during a telephone conversation with Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, warned the US of the "danger of further escalation of the situation in connection with the ongoing supply" of US weapons to the Ukrainian armed forces . The Kremlin then made it known that, at the moment, no telephone call is planned between Russian President Vladimir Putin and American President Joe Biden.


On the battlefield, Moscow later reported that its army destroyed three US-made Himars multiple-launch rocket launchers and the "foreign specialists" operating them.

Are they saying that American "contractors" are already in Ukraine?

Ukrainian President Zelensky went to the front in Donetsk to meet the troops and present the new commander of the Joint Forces Command, Andrii Hnatov. Zelensky, expected in Brussels for the signing of the security agreement between the EU and Ukraine, also announced that he will intervene with a "hard fist" against those officials who he suspects are shirking their duties in the war with Russia.

Zelensky is going to deal with non-Urkanians "shirking" their "duties" to fight Russia with a "hard fist"?


Funny this isn't being reported by the American media.

BTW I didn't translate that. I wanted to, but it's hard, guys. It's the google translation.

Italian is easy to hear and easy to speak, but it's much harder to read than French. My vocabulary is still molto poco.

Boy, I remember when "they're gonna provoke a nuclear war with Russia" was Tucker Carlson Nutter Territory. Good times, good times.

Posted by: Problem with conspiracy theories is that they keep being vindicated

yes, I meant to admit that I was doubting this "just the tip, just the tip" escalation into actual war, but I was wrong. I was hurrying to get the post up. I'll add that admission now.

Posted by: ace

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